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AMBER - Additive Manufacturing Berlin Brandenburg

The focus of AMBER is to build a transparent ecosystem in the field of additive manufacturing in the capital region.

As the Berlin economic development agency, we, Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH, along with other cooperation partners, are developing a strong innovation network for actors from business and science on behalf of the Berlin Senate and under the umbrella of the Master Plan for Industrial City Berlin 2022-2026. The goal is to establish AMBER as a regional umbrella brand and to create a platform to tap available competencies as well as synergies.

Innovations in Additive Manufacturing are currently being supported with more than €13 million from the AMBER call for 12 research and development applications. By the end of 2025, a total of 25 regional partners from universities, research institutions and companies will have created high-tech innovations "made in Berlin". The R&D projects focus on:

  • personalised medical technology
  • construction and lightweight design
  • additive manufacturing with bio-based materials
  • additive manufacturing in/for space

AMBER event series

With the AMBER Spotlight series, a new event format was created that highlights additive manufacturing in different technological and application-relevant areas. The kick-off event "AMBER Spotlight on: Sustainability x Additive Manufacturing", for example, looked at different perspectives on sustainability, such as the circular economy. Manufacturing companies will be addressed in joint events with partners on additional topics that relate to additive manufacturing.

For the exchange around industrial 3D printing we also organize the AMBER network meeting at least twice a year. These events bring together participants from companies, startups and science. The aim of this platform is to introduce new players, jointly expand strengths and competencies in the field of additive manufacturing, discuss innovative solutions and advance new business models in cooperation with industry. Networking between the players from startups, industry and science is the overarching purpose of the event series.

Benchmark study - Additive Manufacturing in the Capital Region

The benchmark study "Additive Manufacturing in the Capital Region" serves to classify the location on the basis of identified factors in comparison to nine European metropolitan regions and countries as well as Israel. The results will be used to develop a strategy that will enable the capital region to become the AM capital of Europe in the long term. The study shows that the capital region has an excellent starting position for this.

AMBER Tech Journeys

We regularly organize Tech Journeys to expand the international network and to exchange ideas with companies and research institutions. The destinations are regions that have proven to have a strong focus on additive manufacturing and offer a high added value for the participants in terms of internationalization. The last delegations therefore went to Israel and the US East Coast (New York and Boston). In addition to a tight visiting program, AMBER was also a partner of Additive Manufacturing Strategies (AMS) in New York. For 2024, South Africa is the destination for the Tech Journey. Expressions of interest from companies in the region are always welcome. Program details will follow.

© Berlin Partner

Competence Atlas Industry 4.0

Use our competence atlas to find companies from selected technology fields and areas of application in Berlin. The topic of additive manufacturing also provides an overview of local players in this field of technology. If you are a technology provider and would like to be represented with your competencies free of charge, you can register here.

to the Competence Atlas Industry 4.0 (in German)

Your contact

Hendrik Riemer

Hendrik Riemer

Manager Manufacturing Industries
AMBER Coordination and Innovation Support

Science Support
Communication/Public Affairs

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH

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Leon Tillmann

Leon Tillmann

Manager Manufacturing Industries
AMBER Coordination and Innovation Support

Tech Scouting
Education/Further training

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH

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Capital of Additive Manufacturing

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