Why Berlin?

As a regional cooperative bank, our heart beats in and for Berlin. We are committed to business in this city.

Jörg Widhalm, Berliner Volksbank

© Berliner Volksbank eG

Berliner Volksbank eG

What Berliner Volksbank earns stays in the region

For over 75 years, Berliner Volksbank eG has been committed to its members in the Berlin and Brandenburg region, organized democratically and based on cooperative values. With total assets of 17.7 billion euros, Berliner Volksbank is one of the largest German Volksbanks.

In 2023, around EUR 2.5 billion in customer loans were granted - including to renewable energy projects with over 150 megawatts of output for 77,100 households.

The satisfaction of its employees is very important to Berliner Volksbank eG. 87% of the 1,912 employees recommend their bank as an employer and remain loyal to Berliner Volksbank for an average of 22 years.

Top advice on current issues

537,000 corporate and private clients from Berlin and Brandenburg benefit from strategic partnership advice. Highly trained teams of experts are on hand to assist customers with current business issues. Whether regarding sustainability, subsidies, start-ups, succession, assets, payment transactions or international business - Berliner Volksbank keeps its customers up to date.

Industry expertise in vibrant networks

Medium-sized companies benefit from vibrant networks through many years of industry knowledge. We are particularly active in the focus sectors of healthcare and education, digital and creative industries, transport, mobility and logistics, construction and real estate, and agriculture. We feel traditionally committed to craftsmanship.
Berliner Volksbank is a highly valued partner in the implementation of professional financing concepts for large real estate projects and in the financing of systems for generating renewable energy.

Sustainability as a mission

The Berliner Volksbank has its own claim to promote the sustainable economy in the region actively. Innovation and investments of SMEs are supported by Berliner Volksbank through strategic advice, a variety of online training courses, studies and events.

Berliner Volksbank eG
Bundesallee 206
10717 Berlin
+49 30 3063-0
