Charlottenburg Innovation Center (CHIC)

Covering 5,500 m², the Charlottenburg Innovation Center CHIC is one of the largest and most modern incubators in Berlin and part of Campus Charlottenburg. Its immediate proximity to TU Berlin, the Berlin University of the Arts and other renowned research institutes emphasizes the science-oriented focus of the innovation center.


  • Campus Charlottenburg in City West
  • Building complex at 10-12 Bismarckstraße

Focus Areas

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Young research-oriented companies with innovative projects
  • Young research-oriented companies in the creative industries

Infrastructure and Services

  • Office and multifunctional surfaces with “entrepreneur-friendly” conditions
  • Wide range of services offered
  • Conference rooms
  • Support and consulting services


  • Immediate proximity to TU Berlin, the Berlin University of the Arts as well as the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG) Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and the T-Labs
  • More than 60 companies and startups have already been established at CHIC
  • Central location in the middle of City West

Your contact

Charlottenburger Innovations-Centrum (CHIC)
Bismarckstr. 10-12
10625 Berlin

Dr. Matthieu Voss
WISTA Management GmbH
+49 30 590083-105