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Berlin Business Location Center > Our services > Sustainability Service

Sustainability Service

We show you ways to strengthen your corporate sustainability and network with sustainable business players in Berlin.

More sustainability through cooperation in the Berlin ecosystem

On the way to a sustainable economy, Berlin is driving forward the 17 Goals for sustainable development. In order to promote Berlin as a location for a sustainable economy, we support you in responding to the new requirements, developing new business areas and remaining internationally competitive and attractive for talent.

As the capital for social and green impact start-ups, Berlin offers an excellent ecosystem, with opportunities for cooperation and funding opportunities for your sustainable business development.

What does the Sustainability Service include?

Whether start-up, established company or research institution - organisations of all kinds can benefit from the development and expansion of their own sustainability management, exchange of experience and innovative cooperations. We, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, the Berlin economic development agency, support you in making your products or processes more sustainable, from the search for partners up to financing.

How we can help you.

Together we discuss the status quo and the potential of your sustainable development as well as inform you about funding opportunities for your projects. As a pilot, we network you with sustainability pioneers, with traditional companies that have already started their sustainability transformation and with service providers who can advise you in depth on individual topics.

Our services for you

Sustainability Management

Information about:

  • Establishment & consolidation of a sustainability strategy
  • Certifications, standards, norms, reporting
  • Further training measures with sustainability relevance

Support with:

  • Identification of internal & external sustainability potentials
  • Development of sustainable innovation projects & business models

Cooperations& Networking

  • Identification of sustainability experts from business and science in Berlin
  • Overview and networking with sustainability service providers andsustainability pioneers for joint innovation projects
  • Development of a network of sustainability managers in Berlin companies

funding & financing and cooperation in special areas of sustainability

  • Climate protection: CO₂-management, energy management & buildings, transport & mobility
  • Resource efficiency and circular economy: Operational environmental protection, energy, resource and material conservation
  • Sustainable supply chain: Sustainable procurement, environmental and human rights due diligence

Service partner