Berlin Business Location Center > Business location > Funding and financing > GRW-Map of Berlin’s support regions

GRW-Map of Berlin’s support regions - funding period 2022 - 2027

Gemeinschaftsaufgabe „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur“ (GRW)
Joint Scheme for the Improvment of Regional Economic Structures
Map of Berlin’s support regions for the current funding period 2022 - 2027

In order to accurately determine the appropriate business development funding zone, please enter the exact address of the investment location:

The highest level of GRW funding varies within Germany. It essentially depends on the economic development of the particular region.

In this manner, Berlin was split into two funding areas (C and D funding areas), as well as into areas in which no GRW funding is possible.

In both Berlin funding areas, investment assistance from the Joint Scheme for the Improvment of Regional Economic Structures and other public funding sources is possible at a maximum of the gross funding rates listed below:

Subsidy Eligibility Area C Subsidy Eligibility Area D
Operating units of
small companies1)
30% Operating units of small companies1) 20%
Operating units of
mid-sized companies2)
20% Operating units of mid-sized companies2) 10%
Other operating units
or business sites
10% Other operating units or business sites up to a
maximum of
300,000 euros
within three fiscal
years following the first subsidy.

1) Small companies are those

  • With fewer than 50 employees, and
  • An annual turnover or annual balance sheet total of not more than 10 million euros.

Definition according to Appendix 1 of EC Regulation No. 364/2004 (Official Journal of the EU No. L 63/22 of February 28th, 2004), as amended.

2) Mid-sized companies are those with

  • Fewer than 250 employees, and
  • An annual turnover of not more than 50 million euros or an annual balance sheet total of not more than 43 million euros.

Definition according to Appendix 1 of EC Regulation No. 364/2004 (Official Journal of the EU No. L 63/22 of February 28th, 2004), as amended.

Special funding rates apply for investment projects to accelerate the transformation towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy.

Your Contact

Ralph Lassak

Senate for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises
(Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe)
Fax: +49 30 9013-7537