Industrial space in Berlin

Space utilization by sector

27.9 %
Commercial enterprises

50.8 %
Logistics service providers

9.6 %
Industry / production

At around 51 percent, companies from the logistics sector lead the take-up of industrial space. The commercial enterprises sector follows with 27.9 percent and companies from the industry and production sector account for 9.6 percent of take-up.

(Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate, Berlin logistics market, At a Glance Q4 2023)

Industrial sub-markets

High demand for modern space across all sectors and significantly increased construction costs result in a stable prime rent of €8.00/m² and an average rent of €6.90/m² for the Berlin logistics region. The supply of space currently remains low due to high demand from previous years and low construction activity due to increased interest rates and construction costs. Despite economic uncertainty, the logistics market in the German capital is particularly attractive for many companies.

(Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate GmbH, Logistikmarkt Berlin, At a Glance Q4 2023)