Berlin Business Location Center > Our services > Joint recruiting campaigns

Joint recruiting campaigns

As the State’s business development agency, we organize recruiting campaigns together with Berlin-based companies to promote Berlin as a place to work worldwide and to attract new talent to the city. The best way to convince talented people to come to Berlin is to present companies and their job offers. We have successfully done so several times in recent years with over 20 Berlin companies - mostly in relation to IT specialists, but also other professional groups.

We offer you:

  • At least two months running time
  • AI-based matching of your jobs with talents
  • Target group-specific advertising of the campaign
  • Support in the recruitment and onboarding of international talent

For you that means:

  • Participation in the positive image of Berlin
  • More visibility as a Berlin employer brand on international job markets
  • Professional, feedback-oriented cooperation with Berlin Partner and our service provider
  • Contact with highly qualified and preselected talents
  • Opportunities to hire the talents directly if they are a good match
  • Use of our Business Immigration Service to clarify all and any questions related to residence law
  • Manageable costs, since only one participation fee is charged per company.

If you are interested in this model of the joint recruiting campaign, please let us know. As a first step, we invite you to a non-binding introductory meeting with us and our service provider. Here we introduce ourselves and explain the cooperation as well as the realistically expected results within this two-month campaign. After that, you decide whether you want to participate in the campaign.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your contact

David Kremers

David Kremers

Head of Unit Talent
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
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