Patent service and market analyses

The Berlin economic development agency, the Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH (Berlin Partner for Business and Technology), was a partner until the end of 2015 of the SIGNO network (formally INSTI) funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) for the protection of ideas for commercial use. It can therefore fall back on extensive experience on the subject of property rights.

We at Berlin Partner offer appropriate services and consulting for small and medium-sized companies as well as start-ups, which are focused on the following areas:

  • Technical information and information about commercial property rights
  • Research on property rights and status of technology
  • Technology assessment and market technology analyses
  • Technology transfer between companies and research facilities

Support programs

We can provide information about current support options at the state, national and EU level. In particular, we would highlight initial registration of property rights, and the associated safeguarding of the results from R&D projects on the support program WIPANO - Wissens- und Technologietransfer durch Patente und Normen (knowledge and technology transfer via patents and norms) with a focus on support for companies. This will run from 2024-2027.

This support covers a period of 2 years and 50% of expenses (maximum €16,000) is subsidised. In the preliminary stages of a WIPANO application, Berlin Partner offers support and is happy to prepare proposals for the individual service packages, patent rights or cost/benefit analysis.

Patent searches

Property rights represent comprehensive documentation of technical knowledge, which is extended every year by over 600,000 new registrations worldwide. This valuable stock of information can only be evaluated properly with the help of special information technology. We would be delighted to carry out this research for you, if required.

Market analyses

As a patent registration can be associated with costs which should not be underestimated (e.g. with an international expansion), it makes sense to get an overview of the market opportunity for the innovative product. We’d be only too happy to help with our market and technology analyses.