Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises

The Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises sees itself as a partner to business and offers a wide range of services for new and existing companies in Berlin in the areas of economic and structural policy, tourism and business development.

We are creating the right framework conditions for the economy so that Berlin companies can grow in global competition, new companies can successfully settle in Berlin and our city can be further strengthened as an internationally attractive location for innovation and technology. The approximately 400 employees of the Senate Administration work every day to ensure that Berlin can develop into the number one innovation location in Europe.

We promote strong economic growth. With above-average growth, today Berlin is already a driving force in a nationwide comparison. At the same time, we are working towards being climate-neutral by 2045 at the latest. In order to accomplish this task, we are joining forces with our Berlin companies and all Berliners to drive the energy transition forward together.

We want to secure the best minds and hands for Berlin to achieve our goals. The recruitment of skilled specialists and workers plays a key role, particularly in the trades, in the climate professions and in industry, but also in the service sector and in digitalization. Attracting and retaining this talent in Berlin is one of the most important tasks for the coming years.

Berlin's economy remains on course for growth. In doing so, the Senate Department is relying on the capital's strengths:

  • attractive commercial and industrial locations,
  • a large and growing reservoir of qualified professionals, 
  • a dynamic environment of innovative business and strong science, as well as
  • an impressive creative diversity, cosmopolitanism and a high quality of life.

Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises
(Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe)
Martin-Luther-Straße 105
10825 Berlin-Schöneberg
+49 30 9013
Fax: +49 30 9013