
General information and locational advantages

With its more than 343,000 residents, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is characterized by great diversity and unique urban qualities. Two universities and a number of research institutes, high-tech companies, traditional businesses and numerous cultural attractions make the borough a workshop of the future with tradition. As a prestigious trade and commercial location, this borough in western Berlin has many well-frequented shopping streets with an attractive mix of shopping, entertainment, living and working environments. Compared to the other Berlin boroughs, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf has the most companies, of which there are approx. 28,400.

Location advantages at a glance

  • Diverse business landscape
  • Main industries:
    • Tourism
    • Retail
    • Information and communication industries
    • Cultural and creative industries
    • Healthcare industry
    • High-quality services
  • Prestigious trade and commercial locations
  • Campus Charlottenburg: two universities and numerous research institutes
  • Very good infrastructure with extensive public transport network

Attractive environment

  • Unique cultural and academic facilities
  • Numerous theaters and stages (e.g. Deutsche Oper Berlin)
  • Messe Berlin exhibition grounds around the radio tower
  • Media center with RBB
  • Olympiastadion stadium
  • Attractive living environment
  • Numerous green areas, nature and landscape conservation areas, including in Grunewald

Commercial districts in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is not a typical industrial area; it is nevertheless home to some long-established industries. The borough continues to provide locations for production-related companies.

Tegeler Weg 33 / Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10
10589 Berlin
+49-30 203 64-205
Fax: +49 30 203 64-190

Saatwinkler Damm commercial district
Friedrich-Olbricht-Damm 63/73, Saatwinkler Damm
13627 Berlin

  • Total area: approx. 13.7ha
  • Units upwards of 2,000m²
  • Designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, production companies and service providers
  • Near to the city center, easily accessible

Schmargendorf commercial district
Forckenbeckstraße 9-13
14199 Berlin

  • Bosch company site
  • Total area: 35,000m²
    Attracts SMEs; wholesalers and retailers, including a transport firm, wine store and bodybuilding studio

Helmholtzstrasse commercial district
Gewerbesiedlungs-Gesellschaft mbH (GSG)
Geneststraße 5
10829 Berlin
+49 30 39093-0
Fax: +49 30 39093-199

  • A listed historical complex (built 1883-1901) with restored clinker facades.
  • Six buildings with ten stairways, basement storage area, ground floor and five upper floors, in some cases with an attic.
  • Business that have moved there: computer firms, architects, a metalworking and a glassblowing shop, an electrical wholesaler, a specialist in pneumatic systems, a video production company, lighting engineer, a shop fitter, a cosmetics manufacturer and various artists’ studios

Economic Development and Business Consulting in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Economic development in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf targets entrepreneurs in the district as well as those seeking their first contact point for advice, assistance and information. The economic funding particularly supports businesspeople in the following topics:

  • Advice and support for companies located in the district as well as location marketing
  • A guide through the administrative processes
  • Events, networks and round tables

Your contact at the local authority Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf:

Felix Niecke
Head of Economic Development
+49 30 9029-13114
Fax: +49 30 9029-13107

Your contact at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH:

Mandy Schwausch
Project Manager Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
+49 30 9029-13111

Your contact

Mandy Schwausch

Mandy Schwausch

Project Manager Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
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