Demographic data

Berlin's population grew by 0.7 percent in 2023 compared with the previous year. Accordingly, around 27,300 more residents lived in Berlin at the end of the last year than in 2022. Those of 30 to under 40 years old form the numerically largest age group. With roughly 881,000 foreign residents from around 170 nations and an average age of the population of 42.5 years old, Berlin is a cosmopolitan and young city. 

The City of Berlin ... ... has increased about 34,000 Babies in 2023. ... is the largest city in Germany with about 3,8 Mio. million residents (49% male, 51% female). ... has grown about 27,000 residents in 2023. ... is a young city, 56% of the population is younger than 45 years of age, the average age was 42.5. Foreign population of Berlin Berlin is an international city with people from about 170 nations living here. Berlin's population in age groups 2023 14% under 15 10% 15 to under 25 32% 25 to under 45 25% 45 to under 65 19% 65 and more The proportion of the foreign-born population in the total population is 23%, most of them coming from Turkey, Ukraine and Poland. (Source: Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office, 2024)

Facts an figures about internationality

Berlin Economy Overview Map

The Berlin Economy Overview Map provides specific industry and infrastructure information for any location in Berlin.